Wednesday 25 April 2007

It's just a cotton bag

I know I shouldn't be churlish as hopefully it means less plastic bags are used in the UK, but this story about the "I'm not a plastic bag" bag really winds me up. I can't believe that anyone would want to queue overnight for a what is an ordinary cotton bag. How did people even know they were going on sale at their local Sainsbury's? Is there a constantly updated pointless fashion accessory web site that I'm missing?

If people really desperately cared about "doing their bit" they could have bought a normal cotton bag from any department store years ago. Mrs Wild Bill tells me that it is the norm in Germany. It's only because all the WAGs, Siennas and Kates have started to show how eco-conscious they are that so many others decide to slavishly follow.

The design of the bag is also very telling. By walking around carrying something with "I'm not a plastic bag" on the side it means people can show how eco-virtuous they are to the entire world. Whatever happened to not blowing your own trumpet?

I believe we have a responsibility as human beings for the stewardship of this planet so if this means less plastic bags are produced and end up in landfill then ultimately this silly bag will have done it's job, but I feel this whole exercise shows that a lot of what passes for environmentalism these days is merely fashionable whimsy.

1 comment:

New Malden Blog said...

Wild Bill, I am complete agreement. The effect that plag bags has on sealife is also astonishing. It's a real shame that we haven't followed the example of Ireland in taxing these horrible things.