Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Don't resign!

No not Des Browne but Paul Wolfowitz. When I first read the story of Paul Wolfowitz's apparent involvement in securing a promotion and salary increase for his girlfriend who also worked at the World Bank I thought it looked pretty bad.

Now Andy McCarthy at National Review's The Corner has pointed out this piece in the Wall Street Journal which paints a very different picture. Apparently Mr Wolfowitz was at pains to remove himself considerations of his girlfriend's employment prospects but he was urged by officials at the bank to intervene because of the unfairness of the conflict of interest to her career.

It looks like the whole thing is a smear job by entrenched interests at the bank to rid themselves of a bank president who was unpopular with these entrenched interests in the first place.

Bronwen Maddox in The Times says something similar. While I don't agree with her views on Iraq she is fair to Mr Wolfowitz.

Update 2:
The excellent Gerard Baker makes the same point and shows how Gordo and Hilary have been involved. A must read!

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