Friday, 13 April 2007

Abortion - the ultimate motherly act? I don't think so.

I've just read this fairly depressing piece by Caitlin Moran in The Times, a writer who I usually enjoy as she is a good wit. She reveals she had an abortion last year and essentially argues that if a child is not wanted it's best for everyone (including the unwanted child) not to bring it into the world.

I think her worldview is best represented by this particular sentence:
"For if a pregnant woman has dominion over life, why should she not also have
dominion over not-life?"

I think she is saying (and she does admit it is "unChristian") that when it comes to this life in the womb she takes the place of God in deciding whether it lives or dies.

Very sad.


dlc79 said...

Will - you may also want to visit - there were a couple of useful links and articles on abortion (written by broadsheet journalists) with interesting views.
Welcome to the blogosphere!

Wild Bill said...

Wow what A LONG BLOG