Saturday, 21 April 2007

Colluding with a killer

What did you think when you first saw the pictures of the Virginia Tech killer? I was shocked when I saw them and not a little scared. Now think how the relatives of those killed must have felt when they saw them.

Much has been said about whether or not NBC and the other broadcast outlets should have broadcast his disgusting manifesto. Make no mistake, they did not have to show it, it was in their power not to show it but they took the option that promised ratings over the good of their viewers.

The most powerful argument against the showing of the video is that it is exactly what the killer wanted. It is hard to argue against this. He obviously thought it all through and chose to send his ramblings to NBC, a BROADCASTER. So it logically follows that he wanted his murderous intentions to be BROADCAST. So what did NBC do? They BROADCASTED them and therefore did exactly what he wanted which was to further terrorise those who had already suffered immeasurably and to give encouragement to those who might try to replicate such terrible acts in the future.

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