Thursday, 12 April 2007

Newsnight's Ethical Man

I watched the final report from Newsnight's ethical man last night. An interesting experiment some of which I would never want to do.

Three observations:
  • The vast majority of people will never change their lifestyle unless it is in their self-interest. Ethical man's family saved lots of money by changing to energy saving light bulbs and turning down the thermostat. Now that gets me interested! Arnie was plugging this kind of thinking yesterday.
  • Bjorn Lomborg was on the Newsnight panel and stated that if all the UK lived like ethical man for a year we would only delay global warming by the end of this century by 7 hours!!!
  • They also had some loon on from the The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. What can I say? Oh dear. We're all to blame so let's wipe ourselves out. Let's forget that human beings can use God-given initiative to tackle the world's problems!

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